Source code for grab.errors

"""Custom exception which Grab instance could generate.

## Exceptions

- GrabError
    - GrabNetworkError
        - GrabTimeoutError
        - GrabConnectionError
        - GrabCouldNotResolveHostError
    - GrabAuthError
    - GrabMisuseError
    - GrabTooManyRedirectsError
    - GrabInvalidUrl
    - GrabInternalError
    - GrabFeatureIsDeprecated
    - ResponseNotValid
- DataNotFound == IndexError

## Warnings

- GrabDeprecationWarning

from typing import Any

[docs]class GrabError(Exception): """All custom Grab exception should be children of that class."""
[docs]class OriginalExceptionGrabError(GrabError): """Sub-class which constructor accepts original exception as second argument.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if len(args) > 1: self.original_exc = args[1] else: self.original_exc = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class GrabNetworkError(OriginalExceptionGrabError): """Raises in case of network error."""
[docs]class GrabTimeoutError(GrabNetworkError): """Raises when configured time is outed for the request."""
[docs]class GrabConnectionError(GrabNetworkError): """Raised when it is not possible to establish network connection."""
[docs]class GrabCouldNotResolveHostError(GrabNetworkError): """Raised when couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved."""
[docs]class GrabAuthError(GrabError): """Raised when remote server denies authentication credentials."""
[docs]class GrabMisuseError(GrabError): """Indicates incorrect usage of grab API."""
[docs]class GrabTooManyRedirectsError(GrabError): """Raised when max. allowed number of redirects is reaced."""
[docs]class GrabInvalidUrlError(GrabError): """Raised when error occurred while normalizing URL e.g. IDN processing."""
[docs]class GrabInvalidResponseError(OriginalExceptionGrabError): """Raised when network response's data could not be processed."""
[docs]class GrabInternalError(OriginalExceptionGrabError): pass
[docs]class GrabFeatureIsDeprecatedError(GrabError): """Raised when user tries to use feature that is deprecated and has been dropped."""
[docs]def raise_feature_is_deprecated(feature_name: str) -> None: raise GrabFeatureIsDeprecatedError( "{} is deprecated and have been disabled".format(feature_name) )
# @date: Dec 08, 2022 # @comment: # Previously DataNotFound (sublass of IndexError) exception were in weblib package. # I am moving away from using weblib package. # To minimize failures in external code which uses DataNotFound class I make # it alias of IndexError
[docs]DataNotFound = IndexError
[docs]class ResponseNotValidError(GrabError): pass
[docs]class GrabDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): pass